Rabbi Yaakov Fisch presents an enlightening podcast that uncovers positivity and light in the ordinary day. In fact, the recorded statement of God in the Torah is “Let There Be Light.” This means there was a lot of darkness on the first day of creation and there was a divine intervention necessary to uncover the light. I believe this is a struggle we are engaged with on a daily basis with so much darkness in the world and our challenge is to uncover the light in the world. Please join me along my journey as I attempt to find the sparks of light in a world of darkness.

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Elul Insight #6
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Elul Daily Insight #6: We continue to study chapter 27 of Tehilim/Psalms. בקרב עלי מרעים לאכול את בשרי צרי ואיבי לי המה כשלו ונפלו. This is translated as “when my tormentors approach me to devour my flesh it t is they who stumble and fall.” King David seems to be saying that anyone the attempt to hurt a person with faith will not be successful and will stumble. How is that consistent with reality when we have seen so many righteous people suffer??